
美世有限责任公司及其关联公司(“本公司”)坚信应保护访问我们网站的互联网用户的隐私, 位于 www.美世.com (“网站”).  本隐私声明旨在告知您本网站收集个人信息的方式, the uses to which that information will be put, and the ways in which we will protect any personal information you choose to provide us.  一般, 个人信息是可用于识别您或您在本网站上的活动的信息,或您通过本网站上提供的服务向我们提供的有关您的信息.

This Privacy Statement applies solely to data collected via the Site.  根据受其他协议和规则约束的其他关系,我们可能拥有或收集有关您或您公司的其他个人(和其他)信息.



Information Voluntarily Provided by You:

在使用本网站的过程中, you may choose to provide us with information to help us serve your needs.  例如, you may provide us your e-mail address to request information, or you may send us your mailing address so we may send you the material you have requested.  您也可以选择在公司申请工作,并通过我们的招聘网站提交工作申请 http://careers.marshmclennan.com/.  您提供给我们的任何个人信息将仅用于招聘网站或本声明中所述的目的.

Information Collected by Automated Means:

To understand how we may use cookies on our Site, please see our 饼干通知.

除了, in the course of ensuring network security and consistent service for all users, the 公司 employs software programs to do such things as monitor network traffic, identify unauthorized access or access to nonpublic information, 检测可能损坏公司计算机或网络的计算机病毒和其他软件, and monitor and fine-tune the performance of the 公司 network and this Site.  在这样的监测过程中, these programs may detect additional information from your computer such as your IP address, 来自网络数据包的地址, 以及其他技术信息.  任何此类信息仅用于维护公司网络和计算机系统的安全性和性能.


We will use the information provided by you in order to serve your needs.  This may include things such as sending you electronic or written materials or, 例如, if you supply us with your telephone number, you may receive telephone contact from us in response to your request.  We work with our business partners to collect information about the use of the site.  我们的业务合作伙伴收集用户访问网站的频率以及用户在访问网站之前访问了哪些页面等信息.  We use this information to maintain and improve the site.



我们不会透露, 分享, 出售, or otherwise use your personal information without your consent, 除非法律规定, 按照你的指示, or as identified in this Privacy Statement:

  • 关联公司:使他们能够向您提供服务,并使他们能够就您表示感兴趣的其他产品和服务与您联系.

  • 代理和服务提供商:我们有时会与其他公司和个人签订合同,让他们为我们或代表我们履行职能或提供服务, 例如托管本网站, 发送电子邮件, 打电话.  They may have access to personal information, 比如地址, 需要履行他们的职能, 但根据合同,除了为公司或代表我们提供服务外,不得将其用于其他目的.

  • Business Transfers: As we continue to develop our business, we might 出售 or buy assets.  In such transactions, user information generally is one of the transferred business assets.  也, 如果公司本身或公司的任何资产被收购(包括通过破产程序), your personal information may be one of the transferred assets.

  • Legal Matters: The 公司 may preserve, 并有权在未经您事先许可的情况下披露有关您或您使用本网站的任何信息,前提是本公司真诚地相信该等行动对于:(a)保护和捍卫权利是必要的, 财产, or safety of the 公司 or its affiliates, 本网站的其他用户, or the public; (b) enforce the terms and conditions that apply to use of this Site; (c) respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third parties; (d) respond to claims of suspected or actual illegal activity; (e) respond to an audit or investigate a complaint or security threat; or (f) comply with applicable 法律, 监管, 法律程序, 或者政府的要求.

What Steps Do We Take to Protect Your Information?

This Site and all information that you submit through this Site is collected, 存储, and processed in the United States within 公司-controlled databases.  We restrict access to your personal information to those employees of ours, 以及我们的附属机构, 以及需要使用它来提供本网站和我们的产品或服务的服务提供商.  我们已经实现了物理, 行政, and technical safeguards to protect your personal information from unauthorized access.  However, as effective as our security measures are, no security system is impenetrable.  We cannot guarantee the security of our systems, 我们也不能保证您提供的信息在通过互联网传输给我们时不会被拦截.


Accessing and Correcting Your Information

Keeping your information accurate and up-to-date is very important.  不准确或不完整的信息可能会影响我们向您提供相关服务的能力.  请使用本网站的“98858威尼斯70570”功能让我们知道您的个人信息可能需要更改.


本网站包含指向由本公司以外的组织运营的其他网站的链接.  If you access another organization’s website using a link provided, the other organization may collect information from you.  本公司对链接网站的内容或隐私惯例或其使用概不负责.  一旦您通过这样的链接离开本网站(您可以通过查看浏览器位置栏中的URL来判断您的位置), you should refer to those websites’ privacy policies, 使用条款, and practices to determine how they will handle any information they collect from you.

Applicability of This Privacy Statement to International Users:

This Privacy Statement is provided in accordance with and subject to U.S. 法律.  If you access this Site from a location outside of the United States, 您同意您对本网站的使用受本隐私声明和使用条款的约束,您承认并接受您的个人信息可能被转移到美国并在美国进行处理.S. 其他国家可能被认为无法提供与您所在国家相同水平的数据保护,并且根据您所在司法管辖区的法律,可能被认为没有充分的数据隐私法.  See also the Privacy Statement or Policy available on other 美世 sites, such as country specific sites like 美世.xx or special purposes sites such as i美世.com, for information about privacy treatments for users of these sites.


This Site is not intended for children, 我们不会故意收钱, 未经父母或法定监护人同意,使用或披露未满十三(13)岁儿童的信息.  在收集此类信息的情况下,这纯粹是偶然和无意的.

Rights of Individuals in Certain US States:

Click here for our privacy notice regarding additional rights you may have in certain US states.


Please read our Candidate Privacy Statement posted on our careers websites, available at http://careers.marshmclennan.com/


The Privacy Statement is subject to change at any time.  It was last changed on December 7, 2022.  If we make changes to this Privacy Statement, we will updated the date it was last changed.  我们对本隐私声明所做的任何更改,在我们在本网站上发布修订后的隐私声明时立即生效.  We recommend that you review this Privacy Statement regularly for changes.


如果你有任何问题, 担忧, or complaints about this Privacy Statement, 或者我们的隐私惯例, they should be directed to the 公司 at privacycoordinator@美世.com 或透过以下方式联络本公司:


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